Fibers of Memory Cardboard, Plaster, Found Cord and Rope 47"H x 17"W x 19"D

Just below the surface of our skin lies a complex system of tissue that holds not only the contents of our physical body but the contents of our memory as well. In Fibers of Memory, I examined at the ways memories are held in the body. Through the use of cotton cord and various other corded materials, I abstractly represent the fascial systems with areas of overlapping smoothness and twisted areas of complex joins. As I began laying down the surface cardboard, a pattern appeared unconsciously during the building process and inspired this connection about fascia, memory and body. This style harkens back to ècorchè sculpture models of bodies with their “skin removed and the superficial muscles displayed”. Upon close observation, viewers can see several layers of differing cord, questioning the depths of memory in the body, tension held and the connection to our conscious mind. Drawing from personal experience of injuries, I look to connect how the body responds in times of physical and emotional trauma and the connection this has with the mind. This piece goes beyond just the mind body connection, but suggests the body is a storage house of memories. Perhaps memories your mind has forgotten but your body has not.




Sundered Amity of Self